Friday, February 12, 2010

Probate Register Uk Does The Deceased Foreigner Have To Be Registered In The UK During The Probate Process?

Does the deceased foreigner have to be registered in the UK during the probate process? - probate register uk

The stranger died outside the UK, but left a bank account in the UK, the money must be transferred to your spouse is outside the United Kingdom. What is the best way to do this? If the person who has died abroad, the death, the authority of the United Kingdom, Video, etc., etc.?


waldo_mc... said...

You probably will not need to register the death with the authorities. But the government expects that the Bank is to see at least one copy of the death and probably aliens will.They want around here (Read officially certified), depends on the stranger, we are talking about and what the address is a area.Ask was.This end specilaised first bank and a specialist in foreign wills.

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